
Instructor Spotlight: Meet Nina

Who are the members of your family and where are you originally from?

I’m mom to Leilani and Jabali, and wife to Willis. I grew up mostly in Kenya but raised around the world (Dip Kid). I moved to Huntsville in 2015.

What are 3 of your favorite things?

  1. Music - dancing
  2. Food + desserts
  3. Aromatherapy

You are given 4 hours of FREE babysitting. What would you do?

Solo date! Take a fun class (pottery or aerial yoga), try a new restaurant for a yummy meal + cocktail, and finish off with a visit to a bakery for a sweet treat.

What has being a mom taught you?

Enough to fill an encyclopedia but top of the list patience and grace. The days are long with little kiddos so having a support system has been helpful in knowing that I am not alone in the struggle bus.

What is your funniest or most embarrassing mommy moment so far?

One time at a wedding my then 4 year old daughter told a guest she looked like a witch. I was mortified and had to profusely apologize. Doubly awkward because it didn’t end in a “haha kids will be kids moment”, the lady was NOT impressed.

When was your first FIT4MOM class and what do you remember about it?

I will never forget my first FIT4MOM class. I loved having my 6 month baby girl with me and the mamas and instructor were so warm and welcoming. I didn’t realize how much I craved adult interaction and conversation.

Tell us your story about how/why you became an instructor?

I love all things FIT4MOM. When I became an instructor I was attending classes every day and had racked up 350 classes in 3 years. When I was approached about joining the dream team it was a no brainer. Having the opportunity to pass on the love and support to the mamas in my village is an honor and privilege.

What is the BEST thing about being an instructor?

Helping to provide a guaranteed safe, supportive and uplifting space in the BEST thing about being an instructor. I love knowing that mamas will leave with energy and positivity from much more than just the workout endorphins.

What is your WHY? Why do you keep doing what you do?

Two reasons. 1) As an immigrant with family and friends thousands of miles away I know first hand that pregnancy and motherhood can be isolating. Finding FIT4MOM was life changing, I found a cohort of women who support and encourage me. I love helping to create an environment for others to find the same. 2) Fitness has always been an integral part of my life that my parents instilled in me from a young age. I love having a space to model a healthy lifestyle for my kids and set a good example.

What is your favorite class exercise?

Single leg deadlift.

What is a fun fact that many may not know about you?

In grad school I once spoke on a panel with Hollywood star Ashley Judd.

Anything else you’d like Our Village to know?

FIT4MOM has been totally life changing for me. I will forever be grateful for all the friendships, laughs, and great times.

Join Nina for a class, find her on our schedule here